AIMS - Objectives
The project promotes the acquisition of skills and competences related to support critical thinking within the context of environment and nature:
to gain deeper knowledge of renewable energies;
to develop students' awareness that fossil and nuclear fuels like oil or gas are exhaustible and limited;
to promote sustainably handling of natural resources in students' everyday life;
to see that climate change has different relevance in different parts of the world (droughts, floods, living on islands...)
SECONDARY AIMS - Intercultural competences
To promote intercultural interchange and understanding for all students;
To acquire knowledge about the culture of their own countries;
To accept differences, similarities and common goals as European Citizens;
To create relationships with classmates from other countries by regular meetings, skype conferences and the use of twin space;
To develop an understanding amoung students of a shared european identity based on experiences common to students in all partner schools;
To become aware of other educational systems and pedagogical principles of partners and learn from each other (for teachers);
To increase motivation for students to learn which leads to less school dropouts.
The project also improves skills like:
To promote the use of new communication and information technologies (Media Literacy);
To develop artistic, creative, expressive, linguistic, scientific and social skills like teamwork;
To increase students' skills and confidence in the areas of personal development, communication and creative thought;
To motivate the students to the learning of foreign languages and to communicate in them for a specific purpose.